St Mark's Methodist                                    

A warm welcome to our church

Interior of church

  St Mark's Methodist  - a friendly  caring church  in the  heart of the  St Mark's district of Cheltenham.

Part of the Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit and the U.K. Methodist church.

St Marks Methodist Church
St Mark's Methodist church logo

"the calling of St Mark's Methodist church is to respond to the Good News of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission"


Our Minister

Rev. Rachel Leather

Tel: 01242 262657

If you would like to email our Minister in complete confidence, please click on the blue button -

Getting in touch - 

Address: Gloucester Road, Cheltenham,

GL51 8PX 

Tel Minister: 01242 262657 or email via blue button

Services Information

Wooden cross on mountain top

Upcoming Services


21st July - 10.30 Holy Communion

28th July - 10.30 Local Arrangement 

4th August - 10.30 Morning Worship

11th August - 1030 Climate Sunday

18th August - Morning Worship



A little bit about the story of our church...

1881: a small group of people began to worship under the lamp in the centre of the roundabout by the railway station.

1891: They raised enough to build the small church, which is still standing on Gloucester Road, closer to the shops and railway station.

2006: after a massive fund raising effort by the congregation, the interior of the church was completely redesigned to accommodate all aspects of modern worship.

2012: saw the refurbishment of the church rooms &  modernisation of the kitchen to serve the modern mission of today

1911: having outgrown the original building, further fund-raising resulted in the current building.  Following a devasting fire in 1944, the church family rallied and after 5 years of  restoration work, reopened  St Mark's in 1949.




 For all and  any general enquiries, besides links for zoom or live stream services, please contact the stewards and  we will do our best to assist.

If you would like an electronic  copy of the Messenger, please use the Church Magazine button.  To contact any of the groups who use our premises, follow the Hallusers link, under Useful Links.

Hands around cup of coffee

Tuesday coffee mornings

Every Tuesday morning, St Mark's opens it's doors and our church becomes an informal cafe to meet over coffee and cake.  We aim to make it a warm, safe and relaxing space to share the joys and troubles of life.  

Love knitting?  Our knitters gather here to swap tips and often make something woolly in a good cause.  All are welcome!

Painting of the world

ECO-CHURCH AWARD - more great news!

St Mark's has been steadily working towards upgrading our Bronze award and we have just heard that we have gainned a Silver Eco Church Award - new plaque image to follow!   This reflects our ongoing commitment to caring for the environment.  The award looks at different aspects of church life:  Worship, Buildings, Lifestyle and our relationship to the community and global issues.  If you would like to know more, please follow this link.  We are also members of GREEN CHRISTIAN and VISION 21.

Tea and biscuits

Our current community events/fundraisers.....

Open Garden - Friday 26th July from 2pm & Saturday 27th July from 10am - all welcome.

Many thanks to all who supported our Plant & Cake sale - we raised about £900!
