Heart drawn in sand


St Mark's Methodist church has a wealth of fellowship groups meeting through the weekdays to which everyone is welcome.

Just click on the blue button links below to make contact with those who lead the groups and to check on current meeting dates and times.

Coffee, Cake and Knitters - Tuesday mornings, 1000am-1200 noon 

Tuesday Fellowship - Tuesday afternoons, 2pm (8 Oct, 10, Dec 2024) 

Toddlers - Wednesday mornings, term time, 0930-1130am (small charge)

Monica's Art Group - Thursday mornings, fortnightly, 1030am-1230pm   

Choir Practice - Thursday evenings, as and when required

Friday Club - Friday afternoons, first Friday of the month, 2.30-4pm 

Lamplighters (worship band) - Friday evenings, as and when required

Prayer Group - confidential, email link (see below)

Visitors are welcome to use the church car park to the rear of the building.

St Mark's Methodist church house groups ...

We have a daytime house group meeting on a Thursday afternoon, 2.30pm, every 3 weeks, venue varies.  We are a small informal fellowship and Bible study group. All welcome.

For topics, location and next house group date contact stewards

To contact Fellowship groups, click on the blue button...

People sharing hot coffee and cake

We look forward to seeing you for free coffee, tea and cakes every Tuesday from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. Come for the full two hours or pop in for a shorter time. Meet old friends and new. Have a chat or find a quiet space.  

Music scores

Our small choir of mixed voices contributes to worship as required. The music is generally not difficult and ranges from early English music to 21st century composers. New singers capable of part singing or willing to learn are always welcome.

Scrabble letters - Listen, Learn, Love

Modelled on Methodist Guild meetings, we now meet roughly every other month (see above for current dates).  We aim to include devotional sessions, besides a range of speakers - topics range from local interest to international concerns

Hands sharing refeshments

Friday club meets n the first Friday of every month between 2.30 and 4pm. The club is for the elderly and disabled. We have a varied programme of entertainment, choirs, instrumentalists or talks followed by a cup of tea, cake and a chat.

Little hands full of crayons

A warm and welcoming space, where babies and preschoolers can socialise and play in a safe environment.  Parents/guardians can share experiences and borrow library books.


Guitar and keyboard

Named after the group in 1881 who met under the lamp, we are a small group of musicians who accompany modern worship songs

in our services. 

Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join us.

Vases filled with brushes and pencils

Meets weekly in Bishops Cleeve, throughout the year, Thursday mornings, 1000-1200.  Very mixed ability and varied subjects.  Monica is a retired teacher, providing instruction & help where needed, materials can also be provided.  Contact on 01242 672753(no email).

Two pairs of hands clasped in prayer

Members of the Prayer group promise to pray daily for folk.  Every prayer request is treated with complete confidence.  If you wish to send a prayer request to the Prayer Group make sure the person concerned has given their permission.

Fairtrade coffee beans and logo


 St Mark's is a Fairtrade church, using fairtrade

 products wherever possible for refreshments

 after the morning service and our fellowship meals.
